Prostate Health Essentials

Original price was: $49.85.Current price is: $29.90.

Retail Price: $49.85
Discount Pricing
(1 Bottle) – $29.90 ea – Save $19.95 – 40%
(2 – 3 Bottles) – $28.41 ea – Save Another – 5%
(4 or More Bottles) – $26.91 ea – Save – 10%



Miracle – Prostate Health Essentials

(Complete Long-Term Prostate Protection)
(90 Capsules)


  • Supports a Healthy Prostate
  • Maintain Prostate Health w/Normal Flow
  • Powerful Enough to Support Fighting off the risk of Infections
  • Offers Support for Prostate Health.
  • Comprehensive Health for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
  • 100% Natural, Very Easy to Take

Shrink your Prostate! Drop PSA numbers. This is our #1 Selling Product! 30+ Naturals Shrink it:

Powerful Enough to Support the Prostate in 1-2 weeks, very Healthy Ingredients, and it’s a 100% Natural Formula.

Very Dependable Product. Help Fight Enlarged Prostate. FAST:

Enlarged prostate… Prostate infection… High PSA… prostate symptoms? We can help you with these problem and build prostate health with a powerful 30+ Top Naturals!

Supports Prostate Health Naturally, Without Prescription Drugs:

Another night time trip to the bathroom? May be, you will FINALLY get back to sleep/ Back in bed, you hope you don’t have to get up in an hour and repeat this ritual, with help from mother Nature, we’ve put together a powerful formula of natural ingredients that deliver comprehensive support for a healthy prostate and helps avoid an enlarged prostate (BPH benigh prostatic hyperplasis) and prostatits- supports bladder health and normal urine flow – Prostate Health Essentials!*

Get Enlarged Prostate Relief or Get Your Money Back – 100%:

Now we don’t claim it will work overnight (and if you do find a company that claims their supplement does, seal your wallet fast!). We do find that our customers get initial relief within 1-2 weeks, with full absorption likely at 6-8 weeks.

In most cases, you will get relief from the aggravating symptoms of common prostate problems. This product supports shrinking the prostate.

Imagine How Much Better You’ll Feel Without Any Prostate Problems:

Now you can…

  • Go on a road trip…and never care how far it is to the next bathroom.
  • Enjoy a full round of golf with your pals. More time on the green instead of the restroom.
  • Delight in a long, restful night’s slumber. Wake up refreshed. (No more dragging your half-awake body to the bathroom umpteen times a night.)

Enlarged prostate, high PSA Score, prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia, virility and urination problems.

Benefits of Prostate Health Essentials:

This specialized supplement contains all 30+ nutrients known to promote prostate health! Guaranteed to support even the most common prostate problems– night urination, weak stream, even loss of sexual performance. Our top ingredients include Saw Palmetto, Pigeon Africana, Leucopenia and Zinc. Potent Prostate formula also includes pure Beta Sitosterol and Selenium.

  • Supports Prostate Health!
  • Many Men have Prostate Problems.
  • Supports Reducing Swelling and Prostate Discomfort. Lowers Your PSA score safely!
  • Stops and helps Avoid Prostatitis and Enlarged Prostate Infection Issues
  • Eliminates Enlarged Prostate Symptoms. Restores Normal Prostate Health
  • Ingredients Nutritionally Support a Healthy Prostate & Improve Virility
  • Avoid Discomfort Associated with an Enlarged Prostate
  • Comprehensive support against Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
  • Gain Improved Control while Avoiding other treatment (and bad side effects)
  • Supports Sexual Virility and Performance
  • A Totally 100% Natural Prostate Formula, NO Side Effects!

More Benefits of Prostate Health Essentials:

  • Supports a Normal PSA Prostate Score
  • 18 Herbs lower an Elevated PSA Test Score
  • Keep your High PSA Score at a Safe Level
  • Treatment Eliminates Discomfort of Elevated PSA
  • Helps Fight Off the Risk of Prostate Cancer
  • Reduces Symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
  • Stop Night-time Urination Problems
  • Shrinks an enlarged Prostate
  • Stops Inflamed Prostate
  • Eliminates Enlarged Prostate Symptom
  • Powerful Enough to Reduce Prostate Infections
  • Improves Virility

Prostate Health Essentials are 100% All Natural – No Drugs – No Side Effects:

A staggering 75 per cent of men over 50 suffer from prostate problems. The prostate is a small organ about the size of a walnut. It lies below the bladder (where urine is stored) and surrounds the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder). The prostate makes a fluid that becomes part of semen. Semen is the white fluid that contains sperm. Most prostate problems can be treated successfully without harming sexual function. When the prostate is improved, naturally, urination problems GO AWAY, followed by less trips to the bathroom. We feel Prostate Health Essentials are one of the most POWERFUL and COMPLETE Prostate Formula on the market today. It will providing relief for prostate problems and enlargements in 60 days or less. Prostate Health Essentials has (30) Thirty of the most powerful ingredients you can find and starts to work in your body in about 90 seconds.

Each year over 400,000 men, in the United States undergo Prostate Surgery and over a Billion dollars a year is spent on Prostate Treatment.

CANCER CELLS: Prostate cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death for men after lung cancer. 90% of prostate cancer goes undetected until it is untreatable and has spread to the bone and lymphatic system. By the age of 50, 35% of men have cancer cells in their prostate. This is not an “OLD MAN’S disease. Despite this, prostate cancer and prostate disorders generally, still have a low level of public awareness. Odds are 2 to 1 you’ll have prostate problems by the time you are 60. By age 65 most men have enlarged prostates. The first signs are night urination and difficult urination. Literally 97% of all men will be affected with prostate problems during their lifetime.


Symptoms may include any or all of the following:

  1. Need to urinate frequently, especially at night
  2. Sudden, uncontrollable urges to urinate
  3. Decreased force and size of urinary stream
  4. Frequent dribbling
  5. Inability to urinate
  6. Difficulty starting or stopping
  7. Aching pain in the area of the prostate
  8. Pain from sitting
  9. A burning sensation or pain when urinating
  10. Blood in urine
  11. Continuing pain in lower back, pelvis, or upper thighs
  12. Chills and fever are often present
  13. Reduced sexual ability
  14. Painful orgasm
  15. Impotence
  16. Discomfort during intercourse


There is no question that prostate problems have reached truly epidemic proportions. ONE IN SIX MEN WILL BE DIAGNOSED WITH PROSTATE CANCER DURING THEIR LIFE TIME. More cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed in men than breast cancer in women – over 400,000 every year. Odds are 2 to 1 you’ll have prostate problems by the time you are 60. The number of newly diagnosed cases is expected to continually increase in the future, with a corresponding increase in the death rates. It is estimated that the number of deaths attributed to prostate cancer will exceed 40,000 per year.


60% of all men over 40 and 75% of all men over 50 are likely to have a prostate disorder. Prostate enlargement, known as ‘benign Prostatic hyperplasia’ or BPH can lead to impotence and other urinary complications. The majority of drug and surgical treatments for the prostate have adverse side effects, and many of them can be quite serious.

Surgery for prostate disease can be debilitating and dangerous, some studies have found 70% of men suffer from impotence and 40% of men become incontinent as a result of surgery.

Supplement Facts:

Additional Description:

Directions: Take three (3) Capsules Daily

Servings Per Container: 30

Other Ingredients: Vegetable Capsule (modified Cellulose), Vegetable Magnesium Stearate.

Warning: Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Consult your physician prior to use if you have a medical condition or are taking medications.

Top Ingredients of Prostate Health Essentials ™ – 100% Natural:

A select number of vitamins, minerals and herbs have been shown to produce rather remarkable support in the treatment and prevention of prostate disorders. The most frequently used ingredients are Saw Palmetto, Tomato Powder, Beta Sitosterol, Selenium and Pygeum. You get every one of those ingredients in Prostate Health Essentials, plus 26+ more.

30+ Natural Ingredients: Here are just few – the Top FOUR Most Important Natural Ingredients: Beta Sitosterol, Saw Palmetto, Tomato Powder, and Selenium.

  1. Plant Sterol Complex (Beta-Sitosterol): Beta-Sitosterol is one of the most effective natural remedies known for prostate problems. It inhibits the production of DHT, a hormone which can stimulate prostate enlargement.
  2. Saw Palmetto: It is a widely used natural product for supporting prostate health. Also maintains your prostate health by alleviating many of the symptoms, such as increased urinary frequency, nighttime urination and reduced urine flow.
  3. Selenium: Men with high blood levels of selenium were about half as likely to develop advanced prostate problems as those with lower blood selenium. Each daily dose of Prostate Health Essentials™ contains 200 mcg of Selenium.*
  4. Tomato Powder: Tomato powder provides important anti-oxidants against free radical attack in the prostate. It has been linked to promoting and sustaining prostate health, particularly as men age.
  5. Pygeum Africanum: Supports healthy prostate function. Pygeum extracts have been used for more than 30 years in Germany and Austria for patients suffering from prostate enlargement. Currently, Pygeum is the most commonly used supplement in France for BPH. Pygeum contains phytosterols which have been shown to reduce inflammation by inhibiting/reducing prostaglandin production, an important factor causing prostate enlargement. Just exactly how pygeum works its magic is not entirely clear. Indications are it reduces inflammation in the prostate gland, promoting urination. This herb works differently than Saw Palmetto, so the cumulative effect of using both is to your advantage. Each daily dose of our Prostate Health Essentials™ contains 150 mg of pygeum.*
  6. Zinc: An important nutrient in promoting and maintaining prostate health. Zinc is more abundant in a healthy prostate than in any other organ. Prostate Health Essentials™ was designed with this in mind, which is why it includes 50mg of Zinc per serving.
  7. Copper: Plays a major role in antioxidant enzyme systems. Antioxidants are essential for maintaining prostate health. Over time, copper may be depleted by zinc so we add 750mcg to insure your body has an adequate supply.
  8. Vitamin B-6: Zinc and vitamin B-6 are included in this formula because they are required for proper hormone metabolism and they help prevent prostate enlargement. B-6 also helps to body absorb the zinc.
  9. Vitamin E: Vitamin E is known to reduce inflammation and protects against many different prostate problems. Vitamin E slows prostate problems by stopping one protein from attaching itself to the male hormone androgen. An increased intake of the antioxidant Vitamin E may reduce the risk of many prostate problems.*
  10. Green Tea: Green tea can to be highly effective in preventing prostate problems and Italian researchers also concluded that the active component in green tea (EGCG) may serve as a natural inhibitor of serious prostate problems and their progression. Green tea consumption appears to have the ability to act as a sort of scavenger against a substance called Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). ROS are a form of free radicals that cause cell damage.*
  11. Graviola: Graviola has anti-viral, and anti-parasitic properties*
  12. Red Raspberry: Ellagic acid from red raspberries are readily absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract.
  13. Cat’s Claw: Supports Prostate Health with 100% Natural formula.
  14. Stinging Nettle: This ingredient supports a significant reduction in the number of night time trips to the toilet, especially in men with mild BPH. Symptom relief was achieved in as little as three weeks in those with the mildest BPH.*
  15. Quercetin: Quercetin can support a healthier prostate. Chronic prostatitis (CP) is marked by pelvic pain and also irritation or obstruction during urination, all unrelated to pathogenic bacteria. More than 2 million men a year are prompted by such symptoms to visit a doctor. One remedy may be the flavonoid quercetin, abundant in red grape juices and wines, apples, tea, and onions. Quercetin, a naturally occurring bioflavonoid found in apples, black tea, and onions, was tested as a treatment for chronic prostatitis.
  16. Juniper Berry Powder: Juniper oil supports the calming of the nerves, relieves anxiety, nervous tension and mental exhaustion. It is helpful to maintain a healthy prostate gland is used to help when difficult to pass urine.
  17. Magnesium Stearate: A critical component in maintaining a healthy prostate and urinary tract. Also prevents formation of kidney stones.
  18. Burdock Root: Contains polyacetylenes, amino acids and inulin; restores harmony to the body . It stimulates bile, acts as a liver cleanser and as a blood purifier. It promotes prostate and kidney function and also helps body filter blood.
  19. 30-Plus: a Propriety Blend of additional important Herbs and Vitamins (Quercetin, Juniper Berry Powder, Uva Ursi Powder, Buchu Leaf Powder, Magnesium Stearate, Silicon Dioxide, Glutamic Acid, L-Alarine, L-Glycine, Calcium D-Glucarate, Pumpkin Seed Powder, Burdock Root Powder, Cayenne Pepper Powder, Goldenseal Powder, Gravel Root Powder, Marshmallow Root Powder, Parsley Leaf Powder, and White Pond Lily Powder)

PROSTATE HEALTH ESSENTIALS may help protect you from getting prostate cancer and may well help you overcome prostate cancer without having to use any of the dangerous drugs, or have debilitating and dangerous surgery, harmful radiation, and catastrophic microwave damage to your tissues.

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